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Thursday, 27. March 2003
Long Dry Spell - or - Silent all these Years
I am Johnny Knoxville and you are pain - and I laugh at myself for the insanity of wanting to touch you. I am a jackass. Contact with you is like pushing on a bruise - it hurts - in a good way - and it's something I choose I get so my currents don't stir me and I seek your turbulent rapids - I remember how you overwhelmed me - a kind of freedom - a kind of being dead When I came to you I thought I was already dead - and then I died again - and the afterlife with you was sublime The time was stretched and thin - and you were thick and defined me I never thought I stopped loving you though that's what I said - I never stopped loving the feel of being dead The things we consumed afftected my eyes and perspective betrayed me the thing of us loomed, foreshortened, important I am alive now - and determined to stay so - permanantly hooked up to life support systems but rhythms are rythms because they repeat - and I'll never completely lose death and our dying ... Link ... Next page
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